Tag Archives: friendship

Day 2 and a gift

Today has been amazing. I still didn’t sleep well last night, but this morning I got a call as he was coming back from his appointment asking if he could come up, and he had the keys with him. We had another fantastic conversation. The forgiveness card from last night was really important, because it clearly meant a lot to him that I knew he hadn’t done any of it deliberately or maliciously. What really surprised me was that he spoke of telling his family, and he also said that he didn’t want me to feel like I had to see the psych if I just wanted to move on. Wow.

All along my ideal scenario, which I had every indication would be unlikely, was that we could move forward as friends. That may or may not work over time, but it looks as though that’s what he’s now thinking too. I really, truly want the best for him, and would love to see him happy – just not at the expense of me and my own happiness. We’ve even negotiated how we’re going to handle the inevitable encounters that are going to happen living so close to each other. There were hugs and tears, but it felt natural and good. And healthy.

After he left, I drew a daily card. I got Isis, the card of Rebirth, with the alignment message.

The goddess Isis, with her powers of reincarnation, has a message for you: You are not broken. You are not wounded beyond healing, and opportunities are not necessarily lost forever. Your insistence on defining yourself by your losses and wound stories are not serving you now. Your alignment task is to fully accept things as they are, choose to find a way to put the pieces back together, let die what doesn’t serve you, and focus on what works. There is so much goodness to come from this situation, even if in this moment you feel trapped. The goddess Isis wants only the best for you. As your fierce ally, she will challenge you when you go off track. So pick up the pieces, tell a new story, and find home again. You will be amazed at how beautifully things come together when you reject the trap created by the stories you tell yourself. You have the key. Use it.

The part that sticks out for me is “let die what doesn’t serve you”, but I had to laugh when I saw the end – having literally just got the keys back. When I read the empowerment version, it was about reviving and regenerating what was broken so the reversed definitely makes more sense. I’m feeling newly inspired, not just with the blog – which I have not touched in a long time – but with business and personal stuff as well, so rebirth is totally my card for today.